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Call center solutions

The Big Wins from Call Center BI Solutions

call center software


Who are the hardest working people in the call center industry?

That’s an easy one. Managers are, with their many responsibilities and priorities, trying to juggle it all.

After all, they’re responsible for optimizing agent productivity and customer service call center operations while ensuring on-time client deliverables. It’s no wonder managers sometimes burnout.

Managers need help. They can’t do it all alone.

That’s where tech solutions like AI come in. In fact, 78% of call centers are using or plan to use AI.

Even the government, with its notoriously bad service, is planning to use AI for its call centers.

Deploying AI in their business is the only way a manager can build a thriving call center these days. But there’s something else – called business intelligence (BI) – that helps make that success almost inevitable.

Today, we explore how contact center BI solutions boost results while saving managers time, money, and headaches.


Contact Center BI Solutions – a Frustrating Look at What Life’s Like Without Them

Tell us if this doesn’t sound familiar…

It’s after 7 PM, and the call center manager is staying late. Again. They just drank another cup of coffee – and popped another ibuprofen. “It’s going to be another late night,” they say.

They’re sluggish and tired. But that doesn’t matter now. They have to complete an urgent project for a client. The client is counting on them.

“Unfortunately, this is what it takes to deliver a great product – and we need the business,” the manager says to herself.

Meanwhile, the manager is thinking about a particular agent or two who are struggling. “What is going on with them? They seem to be lost. Their AHT in the last report was awful. I need them to improve ASAP.”

But the manager is waiting as patiently as possible for current productivity reports that never seem to arrive when they need it. And they’ve been so busy they haven’t addressed the problem from the last report.

“Oh, those reports… They take hours to decode to create a clear picture of what’s happening.”

Then they circle back to the fact that these types of delays are contributing to why they’re staying late so often.

Overwhelm sets in…


It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

Call center life changes once managers discover there’s a better way. Contact center BI solutions gift managers with more…

  • Time to focus on higher-level objectives like executing and completing a strategic plan.
  • Money through increased operational/agent efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Peace of mind that propels managers toward increased call center success with better leverage and freedom.

Let’s peer under the hood for a better understanding of how BI works.


How Contact Center BI Solutions Save Managers Brain Power and Upgrade Call Center Operations

First off, call center managers who are still using on-premise systems cannot take full advantage of contact center BI solutions.

Switching over to a cloud-based software system is the best way to unleash BI’s extraordinary power.

BI delivers automated, real-time data on multiple operational fronts, like inbound and outbound agent KPIs. And it does it all-in-one, configurable dashboard so managers can monitor all aspects of their business in one place.

On the agent front, managers can see who needs help or additional training. For example, why is a collections agent getting promises to pay from clients but not actual payment?

BI also validates and tracks agent compliance status to steer clear of any potential TCPA violations.

But that is nowhere near everything BI can do…

The fact is, call centers using BI, with its many call center-boosting features, can expect to shave countless hours from their current budgets, saving $10s of thousands in the process.

And like AI, BI is an indispensable part of call center success now and in the future.

So managers no longer have to break their back, working ridiculously long, tedious hours.

They don’t have to fear the future, either. BI and AI won’t take jobs away. In fact, these tools will only enhance manager and agent work, making them more valuable to their call center and clients.


Ready to Launch Your Call Center to New Heights? BI Solutions Are the Fuel You Need

Any top-level manager always desires to improve their call center’s processes and results.

And contact center BI solutions are as close to a turnkey for accelerating your business’ growth as you can get.

So, if you want to improve:

  • Employee Forecasting
  • Cost Forecasting
  • Agent Productivity and Performance
  • Overall Call Center Performance

…then check out TCN’s webinar, which unveils how our Business Intelligence Platform can work for your call center.

Shift the fate of your call center and watch the webinar right now to peel back the curtain on everything BI.

Explore all the features of TCN’s call center software