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Omnichannel Communicaitons For Contact Centers

Why the Future of Healthcare Depends on Omnichannel Communication

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Abbie Tabbilos

Marketing Content Writer

In today’s world, technology advancements are continuously streamlining processes and operations to improve the business side of things, as well as the consumers’. For instance, Telehealth has taken the healthcare industry by storm. Rather than a parent needing to load their sick child up in the car to take them to the doctor, they can turn to remote non-clinical services and communicate with a trusted physician to get the help they need. 

Solutions such as omnichannel communications have gained traction as a solution to some consumers’ needs and it has become essential for businesses wanting to engage with their customers across various platforms. With this, the healthcare industry is no exception. 

The benefits of utilizing omnichannel communication in healthcare are vast. It allows organizations to provide the best patient experience by optimizing each step of healthcare delivery, from intake to appointment scheduling and bill pay. This leads to patients being more involved in important decision-making and improved patient health, all while the healthcare industry is reducing costs.

Enhanced patient engagement

If patients are engaged in healthcare, they are willing to follow through on plans to improve their health. Therefore, without patient engagement, the benefits of healthcare can be minimal. 

Patients can’t be engaged in their own health without being informed. With omnichannel communication, organizations can increase the frequency of patient and provider interactions through telehealth calls, online chats, emails and more. Giving patients the ability to access help when they need it, on their preferred channel, will help encourage them to be more involved in their own healthcare. 

By empowering your organization to offer more personalized, easily accessible services, utilizing omnichannel communications can improve your patient engagement.

Improved healthcare outcomes

Increasing the efficiency of provider-to-patient communication can make a world of difference in the healthcare industry. Perhaps the patient has been putting off calling the office to schedule a needed appointment. If online appointment scheduling were available, that person might be more likely to make the appointment sooner, increasing their chances of a favorable outcome. With omnichannel communication, patients can not only schedule appointments online, they can also make and confirm appointments via text message.

More recent offerings such as digital patient forms, self-management portals, online bill pay, price transparency and various other messaging channels have all aided patients in having a more positive experience with healthcare organizations.

Utilizing omnichannel communication in the healthcare industry can optimize healthcare outcomes, including happier experiences and potentially fewer readmissions.

Collaboration at its finest

Communication is paramount in the healthcare industry. This includes patient-to-provider interaction and manager-to-agent interchange on the operational side of things. For omnichannel communication in the healthcare industry to reach maximum effectiveness, the call center agents involved in the patient processes must be trained well.

With TCN’s Room 303, ensure your agents have the tools they need to keep things running smoothly for your healthcare facility. Maintain open communication with your entire call center staff while identifying target issues and needed performance improvements. When everyone is in the loop, the patient receives better, more efficient care.

Economical & efficient customer service

Staffing a contact center floor can get expensive. Implementing omnichannel communication, allows contact center agents to help multiple patients at a time. Healthcare organizations are also able to utilize AI chatbots to communicate with patients on their preferred channel. Machine learning can generate quick, helpful responses by analyzing patient needs. They can then be directed to either a self-management portal or a live agent, if necessary.

In time, this leads to greater retention and engagement and saves the healthcare industry money by cutting back on paying in-house agents. Everyone wins when the healthcare industry saves money, healthcare becomes more affordable for patients.

Be part of the healthcare revolution 

Omnichannel communication has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry by meeting patients where they are and providing them with the tools they need to manage their health effectively. As healthcare continues to evolve, omnichannel communication will become increasingly important for delivering quality care to patients. Request a demo to learn more about how omnichannel communication can transform your healthcare organization for the better.

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