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Five Award-Winning Features of TCN Platform 3.0

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McKay Bird

Chief Marketing Officer

Every year, the Technology Marketing Corporation (TMC), a global, integrated media company, awards the best of the best in teleservices, customer relationship management (CRM), and call centers. TCN gladly received one such award, the 2017 CUSTOMER Product of the Year. The award recognizes TCN’s efforts to improve the call center, which, in turn, enhance communications between organizations and their customers or patients.

TMC selected TCN for a number of virtues. We cover five of them here because of their value-add to collection agencies, contact centers, enterprises, and other entities worldwide. The virtues, or features, could serve your call center or debt collection efforts, too. Read on to discover how, then get in touch to see TCN Platform 3.0 for yourself.


Organizations like to see greater agent efficiency and productivity but sometimes wonder how to accomplish the goal. TCN solves the mystery with its real-time monitoring and measurement tools. With it, managers and executives always know what’s going on between customers and agents.

Managers and executives can analyze not only agent performance but also outbound calling campaigns. The capability allows senior members to make informed decisions that lead to more productive interactions between agents and customers. The platform feature also identifies areas of improvement within current campaigns, ensuring the most profitable use of surveys or marketing efforts, and other call campaigns.

Business Intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) is a game changer for call centers and customer service departments. Many companies already use some form of BI to improve operations and predict outcomes. TCN’s platform integrates a multitude of data streams (the platform itself, CRM tools, collections software, patient records, et cetera) and presents actionable intelligence through the platform’s dashboard.

To date, TCN is the only cloud-based call center provider with a BI integration. That fact — plus the affordable price tag — wins many a client over to the platform. Business intelligence offers companies a way to surpass the competition, streamline operations, and facilitate interactions with customers.


Compliance, particularly with the TCPA, continues to be a thorn in almost everyone’s side. The regulations change constantly or seem murky, causing some organizations significant worries. They have a right to be concerned; TCPA fines and penalties can be steep. In some cases, they put companies out of business.

TCN’s platform starts with compliance in mind. With TCN’s Cell Phone Scrub, Manually Approved Dialing, and customizable rules, call centers can rest easy knowing their calls can automatically be permitted or restricted to prevent violation of costly regulations, and still maximize their call volumes.

Ease of Use

Because TCN Platform 3.0 is cloud-based, it demands little overhead. Many clients use their existing computers and servers, install the platform, and begin using it. Even in instances where additional infrastructure is needed to support the platform, the cost tends to be less than that found with on-premise solutions.

In terms of daily use, clients testify to the platform’s intuitiveness. They customize the dashboard to meet their unique business needs. And, if they need extra help, they have it with TCN’s dedicated team. TCN is always happy to provide training and support to help clients succeed.


Finally, TCN provides VocalRx, a feature developed exclusively for healthcare professionals and hospital collection agencies. VocalRx combines patient reminders, debt collection software, and other automated notifications to create an all-in-one, easy-to-use solution. Clients who use the feature see increased revenue and higher patient satisfaction.

The VocalRx feature also aids with overall healthcare revenue cycle management. With it, medical centers and collection agencies can better forecast incoming and outgoing cash flow. They also see ways to improve patient interactions so as to deliver desired results for both parties: increased collections and improved health outcomes.

TCN Platform 3.0 is the cloud-based call center software for your company, organization, or medical facility. Why not find out for yourself today by requesting a demo?

Explore all the features of TCN’s call center software