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Empower and Monitor Agents

How Can I Empower and Monitor My Agents?

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Bryn Bergquist

Marketing Content Writer

Running a call center can turn into quite a heavy load. It’s difficult to run daily operations, but one of the most important tasks is keeping your agents busy and happy. It is essential to have resources that allow you to monitor your agents and empower them to work with their best efforts. Thankfully, TCN offers assets readily available for your center’s benefit. The call center industry is constantly changing, and with that, TCN is continually working to supply tools to make your and your agents’ lives easier. 

Load their toolbelt

Agents need specific tools to keep them efficient as they perform their daily tasks. With the necessary resources, your agents can reach goals. TCN Operator is a platform that provides several tools to help your agents as they take on tasks. Operator includes solutions that automate and assist with call flagging and PCI redaction compliance. Call centers can also optimize individual agent productivity with Operator through TCN’s Omnichannel and Workforce Engagement Solutions by reviewing conversations conducted on any channel and using learning opportunities to review areas where they need improvement. 

Create value and motivation

The way someone manages their team has a direct effect on how their agents perform. People thrive when they know they are valued and essential. It’s your job as a manager to make them feel that way in their work life. People work harder when they feel heard and appreciated. One way you can implement this is by allowing your agents to provide feedback and then try to implement their suggestions in a way that can benefit your company. Keeping morale high can make a real difference in your agent’s performance, from not getting their work done to going the extra mile. It’s essential to build a culture of trust and respect. TCN offers coaching because turnover rates are often high within call centers despite being a business on the front lines of many essential enterprises. 

Water the consumer and agent relationship 

The success of your call center depends on the relationships between your agents and your consumers. Almost every company aims to provide a satisfactory customer experience, but this isn’t as easy as it may seem. Customers’ expectations continue to change, so it can be challenging to keep up. Operator is an excellent platform to benefit your agents and improve customer interactions. Utilizing the data collected through TCN’s Reporting and Analytics solution, agents can review files and provide customers with the best customer service possible.  

All the numbers you’ll need

Real-time metrics are vital as you manage your call center and agents. Reporting and analytics don’t just provide a call center with data and numbers but load an organization with the information it needs to understand internal performance and make predictions for the future.

Gathering valuable data and using it will help your agents be more efficient with their work. Reporting and Analytics supplies your call center with a deeper understanding and helps you identify areas where your call center agents need to be proficient. This lets you know what to focus on with your agent training.

Analytics allow you to track each individual agent’s performance easily. As a manager, seeing your agent’s performance will enable you to provide unique training in areas they may lack. In turn, your call center is strengthened overall. With your data insights, it’ll be vital to set new goals for your agents to reach, as call centers are constantly changing and improving. 

Work from home

Since the pandemic, many call centers have kept their agents in a work-from-home position. You don’t get to see your agents in person, but that doesn’t mean your call center won’t run smoothly. The goal is not to sacrifice efficiency. With the tools mentioned, TCN’s cloud-based call center software is the best way to keep your agents working as hard as they would in an ‘in-office’ experience. All your agents will need to connect to TCN from home is a headset and a stable internet connection. You don’t need any special equipment, VPN or out-of-the-ordinary communication partnerships. Running a call center from home has never been simpler. TCN allows you to oversee your agents from anywhere and it’s all possible through the cloud. Look at the ‘Complete Guide to Managing Call Center Agents’ for more information on empowering and monitoring your agents.

Explore all the features of TCN’s call center software