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Reassigned Number Database and Regulation F: Everything You Need to Know

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McKay Bird

Chief Marketing Officer

In this one-hour webinar, our expert panel talks about what the Reassigned Number Database (RND) is, how this new direction from the FCC fits into Regulation F, and the challenges (and solutions!) facing the Reassigned Number Database.

Check out the summary below or watch the entire webinar above. 

What is the Reassigned Number Database? 

The RND is a secure database that stores all disconnected numbers in the United States. 

From the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

“The Reassigned Numbers Database system securely houses all permanently disconnected US geographic and toll-free numbers, and the date of the most recent permanent disconnection of each of those numbers. Callers may use the database to verify whether a telephone number has been permanently disconnected since a specific date, and therefore remain compliant with regulatory requirements.”

On July 1, 2021, beta testing of the Reassigned Number Database started with full implementation by November 1, 2021. Anyone can register for access before November at

What does a report code from the database look like?

The Reassigned Number Database will provide one of three possible responses to each query.

  • Yes. This telephone number has been permanently disconnected on or after the date provided.
  • No. This telephone number is in the RND, but the most recent disconnection date is before the cutoff date provided.
  • No data. This telephone number is not in the RND.

With these result codes, call centers will be able to quickly make compliance changes on consent, time of day calling, and verify that it is the right individual on the other line. And most importantly that a call to a consumer is wanted and expected. 

What is the beta test period and can I register for it? 

The database administrator of the RND is holding a beta test period starting July 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2021. Participating in the beta testing will help callers understand their usage needs before they sign up for the paid subscription (the cost of which is still to be announced). 

The database will be free until November 2021, but testing the system during the beta period allows participants to provide feedback to administrators. Another incentive for participating in the beta test is that those who take part in the beta period may qualify for a safe harbor from TCPA liability.

How can I access the RND through TCN services?

TCN is currently integrated into the Reassigned Number Database via our List Management Services (LMS) or Compliance apps, where you can assign scrubbing and other process rules. You can enrich and pull directly from the database without leaving TCN. 

List Management Services allows any call center to interact with its data in real-time. From grabbing information from an SFTP server to manual upload, LMS enables your data to be enriched, parsed, or filtered with unlimited customizability.

Request a demo for more information on the Reassigned Number Database and help implementing it into your call center operations.

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