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cloud based call center software

Global BPO Spotlight: Increasing Profit Margins with Cloud-based Call Center Software

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McKay Bird

Chief Marketing Officer

Many global business process outsourcing (BPOs) companies are reconsidering their current on-premise call center setups. The costs associated with these hardware-based solutions might not be brought to light until it comes time for a hardware upgrade, license renewal, IT maintenance or a reconfiguration due to company restructuring or new office locations.

When enterprise-sized BPOs finally do the math on their premise-based call centers, the numbers can end up being surprising. Especially in the face of new cloud-based options that offer subscription-based plans and the ability to scale operations up or down at a moment’s notice.

In fact, many of the world’s largest BPOs are making the shift away from traditional industry heavyweights like Cisco to explore the flexibility, price reduction and performance boost that can be experienced with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) call center providers.

From a recent article in Inc., “When you outsource all or part of a particular business process via the cloud, you can benefit from the service provider’s standardized technological offerings, points out Scott Dayvault, service delivery manager, BPO operations at Velocity Technology Solutions, a cloud application hosting company.”

From blended call center capabilities and speech analysis to TCPA compliance assist features, cloud-based call center solutions are streamlining operations and enabling more productive workflows with easy-to-use web-based interfaces.

Get the full story on how one global BPO with 17,000 employees and nearly 40 call centers across the globe experienced incredible results by making the switch to the cloud. Download the Implementing TCN to Increase Profit Margins: An International BPO Success case study today!

Explore all the features of TCN’s call center software