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Customer Spotlight: Increasing Collections and TCPA Compliance

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McKay Bird

Chief Marketing Officer

Every call center wants to increase collections. A challenge arises in doing so: TCPA compliance. The two factors seem at war with one another.

But as a recent first- and third-party collection agency proves, TCN’s cloud-based call center technology brings peace between the two. The technology empowers call centers and collection agencies to not only stay in compliance but also to grow collections, promises to pay, and connections with live customers.

TCPA Compliance

The latest updates to the TCPA regulations protect consumers from automated calls and text messages. While good for the consumer, it leaves collection agencies in a quandary. They obviously can’t manually call every single person found in the database—nobody has the time or resources for that.

Fortunately, they find a solution with TCN’s call center technology. They can use the platform to create a hybrid automated-manual system, as one of TCN’s customers did. They used the platform’s Manually Approved Calling (MAC) capability to help achieve pre-TCPA penetration rates while staying within federal guidelines.

Manually Approved Calling delivers the following advantages.

1. Agents easily switch between approving calls and taking them, saving time and money.
2. Agents see customer data before completing a call, ensuring compliance.
3. Agents grow customer satisfaction by calling consumers when and how (text versus email versus phone call) they prefer.

Not only that, the customer managed to increase Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) and live connections by eight percent. That isn’t chump change when it comes to the work of a collection agency. It means agents are speaking with more people, obtaining more commitments to pay, and collecting more money during calls.


Besides increasing TCPA compliance, the customer also saw increased productivity and efficiency with TCN’s platform. Agents completed what the customer terms “more effective calls” within a shorter timeframe.

Specifically, they increased collections and commitments during interactions with customers. The customer reported that they grew monthly collections by 26 percent. Promises of payment far exceeded that number. The customer shared that commitments to pay increased by 74 percent.

TCN’s True Blended Platform offers benefits like these three.

1. Customers receive a robust, on-demand technology platform featuring IVR, call recording, and cell phone scrub.
2. Agencies increase efficiency through the platform’s skill-based routing technology. Customers speak with the right agent, the first time.
3. Agents seamlessly move from outbound to inbound calls, as need demands, which can increase employee and customer satisfaction.

Those numbers arose because the customer first worked within TCPA guidelines. Second, they enhanced personal productivity and efficiency with TCN’s blended calling environment, combined with the MAC feature.


The customer also obtained a surprising, and impactful, discovery with TCN. The cloud-based call center technology enhanced context, inside and outside the organization. Internally, the platform delivered greater insight into agent performance. The agency used that information to identify and implement improvements to customer service and daily workflows.

Externally, they obtained superior customer context. Because TCN’s solution stores historical and real-time data, the customer developed a better picture of the people on the other end of the line. They acted on the findings, fine-tuning communication methods and developing payment plans amenable to both parties.

Finally, the technology created greater business context. The customer understood how daily efforts impacted growth and profitability through TCN’s intuitive dashboard. They could then use the information to refocus outcomes and metrics, such as customer satisfaction, first-call resolution (FCR), and response time.

TCN’s call center technology offers huge benefits to centers and agencies wanting to increase collections while staying within compliance. To find out how, take the platform for a demo.

If you aren’t ready for that step, check out the Cost of Non-Compliance infographic. It will help you understand how TCN enables compliant and profitable call center operations.

Explore all the features of TCN’s call center software