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Will Nomadic VoIP Revolutionize Your Call Center or Go to Work Elsewhere?

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McKay Bird

Chief Marketing Officer

After 20 years of quietly and steadily acclimating into the modern workplace, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology has done what any incredibly talented service center employee would do in its situation: stand up.

Whether to stretch, work offsite or at a desk closer to its highest-performing peers, or just to take a bow, VoIP is up and moving. It will no longer sit in the same place, working at the same methodical rate. VoIP is now nomadic VoIP and is predicted to grow tenfold in the next few years.

The good news is that nomadic VoIP doesn’t want more money. Nor is it itching to leave your call center for a hotter firm. In fact, if you tap into the now highly evolved Internet voice-calling options available, your organization could save big.

That, added with the potential for greater efficiency and morale in your front line, makes this the time to get to know nomadic VoIP on a personal level.

Smile when you dial

We’ve long predicted the phase-out of 20th century phone systems. However, desk phones on copper cables are still used in the largest corporations (if only gathering dust at many). For a full generation now, VoIP has helped engage a merger between the telephone and the Internet. Now, as broadband begins replacing landline networks on a national level, the final phase of a long-awaited marriage begins.

The flexibility that this offers your call center staff is unprecedented. Calls to customers, team meetings and exchanges with colleagues will finally be integrated with emailing and instant messaging. The desk phone can be unplugged for good. The personal cell phone, with its pics and non-urgent texts, can finally stop trying to bridge that gap for business.

Where Newly Empowered VoIP Will be Working

VoIP belongs to the Internet of Things (IoT) and empowers call center managers with robust new data tools specifically designed for commercial call centers.

While nomadic VoIP generally refers to a portable VoIP device, such as a tablet or smartphone, nomadic VoIP takes many forms:

VoLTE (Voice over Long-Term Evolution): an upgrade from 3G networks that does not require 4G domains.

VoWi-Fi: the prevalent mobile/VoIP hybrid technology. Like its name suggests, a smartphone call connects over Wi-Fi rather than the cellular connection.

OTT VoIP: “Over-the-Top” VoIP describes the tools that will allow consumers to make calls over broadband instead of their cellular networks. This is a disruptive, cost-saving alternative for international calls.

VoIM: Instant Messaging (IM) can be enhanced by voice-call functionality or even video chat, as Yahoo! and Google Voice have offered consumers for the past few years.

VoIP’s Five-year Plan

Until now, VoIP technology has slowly integrated itself into the Internet and mobile landscape. As it prepares for the phase-out of the POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) landline network, VoIP will emerge from understudy to lead in the theater of call center technology.

Data security should be top-of-mind when integrating with a VoIP system that can take your call center to the next level, so make sure that security features are built directly into the software to ensure your data is always safeguarded against any kind of of loss or incursion.

VoIP has come a long way from the days when it was regarded as a fringe technology. As technology evolves and the IoT becomes more central to how we use tech in our business and personal lives, VoIP usage is set to increase.

Now with the emergence of nomadic VoIP, many of the perceived hindrances to the adoption of this technology will soon fall by the wayside. VoIP and nomadic VoIP in particular, very likely represent the future of business telephony – indeed our cloud-based, VoIP call center solution represents the future of telephony for call centers.

For more information on how modern technical solutions can help your call center work smarter, check out our whitepaper, Top 10 List When Considering a Cloud-Based Contact Center Solution.

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