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Top 10 Technology Companies in 2013

call center software


If you ask the general public what the top technology companies of 2013 are going to be, you can bet that they will give very similar responses. The most well-known technology companies are Microsoft and Apple. They have the name brand that everyone recognizes, but are they really the best technology companies that are in operation today? Or are there some that will end up eclipsing these companies?

One thing is certain when it comes to technology: It will not be the same tomorrow as it is today. The reason that Microsoft and Apple are considered to be so good is the amount of time that they have been around. The age of the company is not what keeps it on top. It is what they have to offer and what the future holds for a technology company that matters. One of the best ways to look at who is the best is by looking at how much revenue they generate.

The Top 3

Apple, Samsung and Hewlett Packard are the top of the heap when it comes to revenue. It is amazing that despite its age, Apple is still on top and is not really showing any signs of slowing down. The other two companies on the list are also names that people know very well.

The Middle of the Pack

The middle is a mix of well-known names and some that are less familiar. At the top of this tier is Foxconn. It is based in New Taipei, Taiwan and is considered to be the largest manufacturer of electronic components in the world. IBM, Panasonic and Toshiba are the next three on the list. These names are much more familiar, but they definitely have lost some of their clout through the years. They may have to work harder if they do not want to be usurped by newer companies.

The Final 3

Rounding out the top ten are three more well-known companies. IBM, Sony and Dell have been on the list for a long time although they used to be a lot closer to the top.

This list shows that the companies that are generating the most revenue may be more established and known like you would expect when searching for the best technology companies. Instead of looking at revenue that is generated, consider looking for the best technology companies that have the chance to explode on the scene. Companies such as 4moms and Dynamics may not be known now, but they could be the ones that people are talking about really soon. No one heard of Facebook 10 years ago, but like everything else that is related to technology that can change.

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