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The Cloud Contact Center Solution: Scaling Made Easy

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McKay Bird

Chief Marketing Officer

So, your contact center nabbed another important client, and the buzz is bringing you more visibility and nibbles on the new business docket.

Great job! But, will you be ready to take on the additional work?

Building a successful contact center means having a flexible solution that can change with you as you grow.

So, in this post, we’re going to dive into why software scalability is so important, what features of scalability you’ll need in a cloud contact center solution and the why and how behind TCN’s strategy to help you realize that scaling solution.

But first, let’s define scalability.

What is a Scalable Cloud Contact Center Solution?

Scalable cloud contact center software doesn’t need to be redesigned to perform effectively to handle a major increase in workload.

That workload may mean adding new agents, storing more customer data, increasing the amount of communication and customer profiles stored, or other changes that push the system past its capacity.

A scalable contact center system will handle everything you throw at it.

If a call center expects higher call volume, more hires, or needs more features that can support omnichannel initiatives, they’re going to need the software that deploys without a hitch.

In the case that legacy systems fail to scale, managers and directors can find themselves paying for expensive hardware upgrades and losing money during downtime for implementation.

The Benefits of Scalable Cloud Contact Center Software

Scalable cloud contact center software also delivers flexibility and power – but most importantly, it will meet your needs under budget.

So, how’s it work?

True scalability empowers contact centers to prepare and deploy features they absolutely need, no more and no less. A huge number of systems require contracts that include features you’ll never need – and you end up locked in for years at a time.

Also, one stress-busting benefit to a scalable system is its low complexity.

Without extra features and functionality that won’t be used or needed, directors, agents and managers can reduce unnecessary training time, systems familiarization, IT hassle and more, keeping your teams free to do the work that pays the bills.

Even better, a flexible system streamlines and organizes data without a heavy lift.

When cloud contact center software is being used to store and track data, it’s all represented in one dashboard. The top competitors in the contact center software industry let you add any new data streams or quickly realize multiple data visualizations from a single dashboard.

Tip: You can enable TCN’s features for future use without any subscription or upkeep fees. You only pay for what you use, when you use it.

What to Look for in a Scalable Cloud Contact Center Solution

It’s simple: the right partner puts your needs at the top of their priorities.

We could leave it at that – but instead, let’s explain what that experience will look like at your office – at least, this is how we do it for our customers.

  1. Spin-up time and deployment will happen in a matter of days, not weeks, or worse… months.
  2. Your legacy data and CRM systems will have all the API support you need. Here’s an incomplete list of those we’ve already flawlessly integrated:
    • Salesforce
    • Zendesk
    • Microsoft Dynamics
    • ServiceNow
    • Experian
    • Envision
    • KG Hawes
    • CallMiner
    • Quantrax
    • Collect!
    • Balto Software
    • Simplicity Collections Software
    • Debt$Net
    • Ecliptics
    • InterProse
    • Telarus
    • Numeracle
  3. Don’t see your CRM on the list above? We’ll ramp up an API for proprietary solutions without hesitation.
  4. You won’t be left in the cold. We want to be your 24/7 partner, which means:
    • Non-stop complimentary support
    • Your own dedicated management team
    • Feature consultation and recommendations (both “need” and “don’t need”)
    • On-site visits
    • New user training
    • Arranging professional voice talent recordings in your language
    • Help coordinating your local and global strategy – including recommendations for compliance and best practices

The Topper: Scaling Through TCN’s No-Contract Experience

For organizations still contemplating (or in dire need of) a new, powerful contact center platform, the allure of effortless scaling might be weakened by the idea of getting into a new relationship – even worse, a new contract.

But, don’t stress about it. Here are a few secrets as to why your competition chose TCN.

  • There are no year-long obligations – not even to start.
  • Clients only pay for what they use.
  • You can stop and start the platform or any feature usage in moments.
  • All usage and fees are transparent and real-time.
  • There are no monthly minimums or licenses.
  • 5-man teams can use the same cutting-edge platform as 1000-seat enterprises, without enterprise-grade price tags.
  • You’ll always have access to a huge range of valuable features.

Support, flexibility and transparency all combine to make TCN one of the most scalable systems on the market. Want more information? Getting ready for that new client? Find out why call center execs are moving from on-premise solutions to the cloud in this free Cloud-Based Call Center Software eBook.

Explore all the features of TCN’s call center software