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How to Make Google’s Algorithm Work for You

call center software


Every company wants to stay competitive, yet how to do it is the hard part. The key to any good business is finding the right balance between short-term needs and long-term development. If a company’s website plays a role in marketing or branding efforts, it should take a look at Google’s algorithm and stay connected to what they are doing.

Phil Laboon, CEO of Eyeflow, gives us five ways to keep your small business afloat and use Google to our own advantage in this article published to OPEN Forum.

Follow Google algorithm modifications. Google is continually changing and improving keyword searches to perfect this business model. They will continually block out sites they deem spam-filled, fraudulent, or even not very well-constructed. The great thing about Google is that it is pretty transparent when it comes to what they consider best practices. All you need to do is pay attention and stay ahead of the game.

Adapt quickly to new technology. This is one is pretty simple but I still feel people overlook it. One way that TCN has adapted quickly to the changing market is with its virtual call center software and cloud SaaS products. The keyword here is “scalability” when it comes to keeping up with new technology and your company. Responsive web design and engaging your consumer is so important in today’s world. The word “responsive” has been a hot topic ever since Google said that they preferred responsive design.

Satisfy immediate customer demands. This is important in obtaining new clients and retaining your old ones. If you can respond to changes quickly, the faster you can take in new clientele and protect your current clients from the competition. Be prepared to adapt to changing markets quickly, do not bog yourself down with outdated technology and practices.

Refocus long-term plans. It is easy to get caught up in the little day-to-day things but it is important that one looks at the long-term goal for a company. Companies must build up their core competency and establish all products and services around this. Once they do this it is important that they are constantly watching and preparing for industry changes. This will help them in the long-term to stay ahead of the game.

Follow best practices. Adapting to the circumstances around you will be the best thing you can do to keep a company in the black. Follow Google’s best practices so that you will be a company that will be around for the long haul.

To learn more about how TCN can help your business improve its ROI, please fill out our demo form here or call us at 866.745.1900. “No obligation” testing is available.

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