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How Cloud Contact Center Solutions Could Empower the Canadian Contact Center Industry

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Darrin Bird

Chief Operating Officer

The outlook for Canada’s general and contact center industries present an interesting picture. The country claims higher corporate profits in spite of a still-slumped economy. Meanwhile, Canadian GDP is expected to grow this year (exports have already risen) even as analysts warn the housing market poses a sizable risk.

Also of note, Canada possesses a large bilingual workforce, yet corporations continue to outsource operations like financing and accounting, information technology (IT), and customer service—industries well served by people with knowledge of languages and cultures. Some of those positions are returning to Canada; reporter Sean Silcoff remarked in a 2012 article at The Globe and Mail, “Rising wages and high turnover rates across the Pacific—as well as low customer satisfaction here—have spurred companies to reconsider their offshore plans.”

The news comes as a relief for companies hoping to generate profits and Canadians seeking employment. Some other trends are in play, too, and they could impact the Canadian contact center industry greatly. Some of those call center trends, as well as threats and opportunities, will be explored in this article.

Canadian Call Center at a Glance

A 2017 analysis from, “Telemarketing & Call Centres in Canada: Market Research Report,” reveals three threats and three opportunities for the Canadian call center industry.

• Declining revenues as businesses outsource contact center work
• Demand for more highly skilled employees
• Disruptive technologies that transform the contact center industry

• Ability to adopt new technologies, such as the cloud based call center and blended contact center solutions
• Proximity to key markets
• Access to a flexible workforce

Contact Management, a Canadian magazine dedicated to the customer experience, also notes some overall trends. The seven listed below correspond with developments occurring around the globe.

1. As cloud contact center solutions help companies gain a competitive edge, the pace of adoption will increase.
2. Consumers expect companies to take an omnichannel approach to communications and customer service.
3. Customers demand more intelligent self-service options, such as online bill pay and chat.
4. The number of telephone calls could decrease but the calls that remain will be more complex and require the aid of a knowledgeable customer service agent.
5. Remote work will become commonplace to save on operating costs and increase employee morale.
6. Regulatory compliance will be the new normal; just as in the United States, Canada employs a rigorous Do Not Call list.
7. Social media will be used with increasing frequency in sales and customer support.

Taken together, these threats, opportunities and trends mark the beginning of a transformation within the Canadian telemarketing and call center industry. The challenge lies in leveraging those dynamics to positively impact profits, employees, and customers. Fortunately, TCN has an idea that could accomplish exactly that.

Cloud Contact Center Solutions and the Canadian Contact Center Industry

As Canada grapples with painfully high employee attrition rates and customer demand for better service and support, its companies turn to best-in-class technologies like TCN’s cloud based call center. The technology satisfies the seven trends, enables the opportunities, and counters the threats outlined in the previous section. A few examples demonstrate the claim.

Demand for Cloud Contact Center Solutions
TCN’s platform basically turns the threat of “disruptive technology” into an asset. TCN’s blended contact center solutions rest in the cloud, which means the tools are easy to deploy and adapt to any environment and scale. Easy implementation limits downtime, keeping businesses, organizations, and institutions focused on employees and customers.

Access to Diverse Workforces
TCN’s cloud based call center allows contact center agents to work from anywhere: be it the workplace or home. This flexibility increases employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. Plus, when employees are satisfied with their work and location, employers experience lower turnover, sick days, and complaints.

Compliance with Regulations and Standards
TCN’s blended contact center solution automatically scrubs cell phone numbers, helping companies use “Do Not Call” lists correctly. The cloud based call center also features value-adding components like the Compliance Suite. It gives clients the ability to lock down communications to ensure compliance with data and privacy standards.

Embrace the Future with TCN’s Cloud Based Call Center

Canadian contact centers that want to increase profits without sacrificing employees should consider investing in cloud contact center solutions, such as those offered by TCN. TCN’s cloud based call center lowers out-of-pocket and maintenance costs, improves employee efficiency, productivity and satisfaction, and delivers enhanced communication capabilities that meet the demands of the modern consumer. To learn how TCN could transform your organization, download the ebook “Fred Flintstone versus George Jetson: 6 Reasons Call Center Execs are Moving from On-Premise Solutions to the Cloud” today.

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