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Stir/Shaken Update

FCC Robocall Report and an Update on STIR/SHAKEN

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McKay Bird

Chief Marketing Officer

We have learned that there are still challenges ahead for STIR/SHAKEN, call blocking, and labeling. The FCC recently published the second report on Call Blocking and STIR/SHAKEN. 

You can review that report here: FCC Second Annual Report on Robocall Blocking Tools


June 30th has come and gone, and many carriers have already started sharing successes in how their networks are handling blocked calls. Verizon, the biggest mobile telecom provider in the US, has blocked to date 13 billion calls from being received by their subscribers. To help put those numbers in perspective, Verizon handles over 135 million calls a day.    

According to the report and FCC press release, one of the primary challenges stemming from STIR/SHAKEN blocking legitimate calls is hospital appointment reminders and other healthcare notifications. Blocking wanted calls, regardless of industry, will continue as smaller carriers implement full-attention. 

Large carriers had until June 30, 2021, to adopt STIR/SHAKEN. However, in May 2021, the FCC proposed shortening, by one year, the extension for certain small voice providers to implement their STIR/SHAKEN in their IP portions of their network.  The proposed deadline for those service providers is June 30, 2022.

Continued Support for STIR/SHAKEN

TCN supports the Commission’s efforts to protect consumers against unlawful calls from scammers, fraudsters, and other malicious actors. 

Further complicating this issue, callers affected by mislabeling and call blocking are often unaware that their calls fail to get through or are being mislabeled. To better protect consumers, the Commission should adopt recommendations and create a transparent process by which legitimate callers affected by mislabeled or blocked calls are notified and can engage with voice service providers to promptly correct the course. 

TCN is registered and ready to handle full attestation protocols.

Support for STIR/SHAKEN

TCN has put together the Ultimate Guide to STIR/SHAKEN to help our customers identify ways to make sure calls continue to be connected successfully. Below you will also find several whitepapers, ebooks, blogs, and video resources to help call centers understand STIR/SHAKEN.  

Things are changing and updates are being released by the FCC every day. Check back soon for more information on STIR/SHAKEN.

Request a demo today to learn how TCN can help you and your call center with STIR/SHAKEN and restore trust in your calls.

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