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Charitable Giving Community

Charitable Giving and Community Volunteering Ideas for Your Company

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Spencer Peterson

Public Relations Specialist

Individuals, groups, and businesses have a responsibility to give back and help better their communities. and a panel of ARM industry leaders have gathered ideas and opportunities for companies to give back to their communities.

Some ideas for your organization to give back to your community are: 

  • Adopting families during the holidays to make sure they have a reason to celebrate
  • Company walks for a cause (breast cancer, prostate cancer, domestic abuse)
  • Community cleanup outings (beaches, parks, trails)
  • Polar Plunge fundraiser
  • Backpacks of food for kids
  • Angel trees (internal and external)
  • Blood drive
  • Virtual tutor assistance for employees’ kids
  • Make-A-Wish Foundation donations
  • Participate in the Toys for Tots program
  • Contribute to The Salvation Amy

There are many opportunities for businesses and individuals to serve communities, and one challenge that many organizations face is how to choose between them all. Industry experts recommend looking for needs within your community and asking your employees what matters to them. More than likely, you will get a lot of feedback to help point you in the right direction. In those instances, you can utilize a random selection from the employee ideas to create a fair system where every employee’s opinion is heard and valued. 

Asking for employee input and feedback goes a long way in keeping your employees engaged in your outreach programs. Businesses can also make an extra effort to verbally acknowledge employee contributions, provide monetary or other incentives, and even offer allotted PTO for service activities. The easier that companies make it, the more likely employees are to take advantage of these opportunities. Instead of providing one way for employees to contribute, offer multiple. Providing multiple ways to give back to the community could include donating their time, money, or items. 

Employees also like to know that the company and its leaders are just as invested. Able businesses might consider doing dollar-for-dollar matching and ensuring that there is always an executive sponsor working side by side with the workforce in service of the community. 

These opportunities to serve the community are an opportunity to give and advertise your business and show off your employees. Posting service efforts on your website and social media is a great way to get your business’s name out in the community and show your pride in your employees.

Check out the entire webinar for more ideas on community volunteering ideas. Also, take a look to see how TCN gives back to communities.

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