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Automotive Industry Call Center Solutions

call center software


Call Center Solutions Bring Innovation to the Automotive Industry

Connect With the Customer

The automotive industry is all about customer satisfaction. If your company has a good reputation for fast, efficient, quality service, the business never stops coming. Whether it’s a dealership or repair shop, the automotive industry benefits from seeking only the best technology and solutions when it comes to pleasing their customers.

Automotive industry call center solutions have helped shape the success of so many dealerships and repair shops across the globe. Here’s how it works with TCN:

TCN’s Automotive Industry Call Center Solutions

Simply enter the phone numbers you need and any other necessary information about your clients or customers (or upload the info via an excel spreadsheet) to your unique TCN account on the Internet, record the message you want to send your them through your phone, and save it on your TCN account. Then schedule the calls to be made.

TCN’s computerized call engines can get through large lists in a matter of minutes, and it will only cost pennies per contact. 100 calls can take 1 person 8 hours to make. TCN can do it in 5 minutes for little cost.

With TCN’s automotive industry virtual call center solutions, repair shops can quickly and easily call their clients to deliver reminders for maintenance appointments and warranty renewals or let them know their car is ready for pickup while dealerships can send out an announcement about a new line of cars or special limited-time-only deals.

Explore all the features of TCN’s call center software