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3 Tech Trends to Watch in 2014

call center software


Some say that the largest tech trend of 2013 was the evolution of the 3D printer, analytic services and crowdfunding tools. All of these were aimed to help develop and improve the spectrum of small business. Yet, in 2014, the trends seem to point towards technology and the spread of mobile development.

Erica Swallow, SXSW Accelerator Board Member, asked small-business owners about what trends we should look for in 2014 and this is what they came up with.

1.SaaS Stampede

Many small-businesses will be using cloud based software as a service (SaaS) products. TCN, which uses cloud based call center systems for both their inbound and outbound call centers, is one example of what these businesses will be looking to have in the near future. SaaS products in the cloud are also less expensive than downloadable services.

2. Funding Fiesta

Platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo have given a plethora of small-businesses an opportunity to grow and expand, often times raising thousands of dollars by getting the right message out there. The trend for 2014 leans more towards online banking and easier access to get loans from banks for small-businesses. There are already startups like Kabbage and OnDeck that have offered small business easy access loans online. Many feel that larger banks will begin to offer online accessible loans this year.

3. Mobile Madness

Mobile web browsing is slowly taking over the consumer marketplace. IBM reports that mobile sales from Cyber Monday grew more than 55 percent from the last year. With so many consumers using mobile devices small-businesses need to keep up. Gone are the days of throwing up a website and thinking that is enough. Small-businesses need to adapt and create websites that are scalable to fit mobile devices as well. As a small-business owner it is important to start small. Think mobile and then go for it. The more you can stay ahead of the curve the better off you will be.

To read more about trends in technology visit the OPEN Forum.

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