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Optimize Agent KPIs with Cloud Based Call Center Technology

call center software


It can seem counterintuitive to declare that a cloud based call center turns out higher key performance indicators (KPIs) than premise-based call centers, particularly if you think about agents working remotely. However, cloud based call centers are offering proven results over their premise-based counterparts.

Here are a few KPI categories that can be improved with cloud based call center technology:

  1. First Call Resolution (FCR) – This metric measures how often customer issues are resolved on the first call. A low FCR is a sign of inefficiency and will likely result in lower customer satisfaction ratings because no customer wants to repeatedly call in order to handle a single issue.

    This is especially true if the caller must endure long waits on the phone. Where virtual call centers stand out is through skill-based call routing, in which specific issues are routed to agents who are best equipped to handle those issues. By ensuring that agents work to their strengths, the FCR increases.

  2. Agent Schedule Adherence – Volume is important to all call centers, so a best practice is to follow a strict call schedule and adhere to it. But how can one deal with an agent who is good at their job, but maybe doesn’t follow the schedule at an optimal level?

    This is where real-time call monitoring and coaching come into play. At cloud based call centers, managers can listen in on agent calls and advise them on how to expedite their calls. This could also be used to improve another metric – Average Handle Time.

  3. Call Abandonment Rate (CAR) – This metric informs how many calls are being answered and how many are being abandoned. At virtual call centers, the options to improve this rate are numerous, one of the easiest being the ability to add agents as necessary.

    Because cloud based call centers are easily scalable and flexible, extra agents can quickly be added to reduce handle more calls and drop the abandonment rate. This option is not so simple with traditional call center setups, where scalability isn’t an “in the moment” option.

  4. Service Level – Both a service and compliance metric, this analytic measures how often calls are picked up within a set amount of time, such as 20 or 30 seconds, or whatever was set by the Service Level Agreement (SLA).

    Why this is important to a virtual call center is that this statistic is best monitored in real time. With call routing or a virtual queue available, call center managers can more efficiently direct agents and overall call center operations.

  5. Customer Experience – Add up the aforementioned metrics and a call center would:
    (1) Avoid abandoned calls.
    (2) Answer calls more quickly.
    (3) Help customers resolve issues faster.
    (4) Ensure the vast majority of callers’ issues are resolved in a single call.

    This level of efficiency leads to a vastly improved customer service experience because swift and reliable service is always a winner.

Across virtually all categories, a cloud based call-center offers a wide array of functions that make it mutually beneficial for both callers and agents. It improves KPIs for the agents and elevates the customer experience for callers. Cloud based call centers truly present a win-win situation.

Download the e-book to find out why call centers are abandoning Stone Age premise-based setups and moving into the Space Age with cloud-based solutions.

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