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Increase Agent Connections 10X and Boost Overall Collections

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McKay Bird

Chief Marketing Officer

Boosting collection revenue is a main focus among third-party collection agencies. These organizations continually seek ways to dial up efficiency, especially when it comes to increasing agent connection rates.

The first area to consider when evaluating how your firm might improve overall collection rates revolves around the foundation that supports your business operations. If your organization relies on a premise-based call center setup, you can likely realize significant improvements simply by switching to a cloud-based platform.

Streamlining your blended, inbound, or outbound environment with cloud-based call center technology offers the opportunity to boost productivity in dialing cell phones while remaining compliant with TCPA guidelines.

Cloud-based manually approved calling solutions can provide better context for each call – not to mention agent reporting – and enable agents to receive and place more effective calls in a shorter period of time.

Companies using cloud-based technology are seeing significant gains in monthly collection, right party contacts (RPCs), live connections, and promise-to-pay accounts.

Get the full story on how a large third-party collection agency used a manually approved calling feature to boost agent connection rates tenfold and deliver pre-TCPA penetration rates. Download the Increasing Overall Collections with TCN: A Head-to-Head Hosted Champion Challenge case study today!

Explore all the features of TCN’s call center software