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Finding an Optimal Cloud-Based Contact Center Solution

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McKay Bird

Chief Marketing Officer

Technology purchases are always weighty decisions. Buying a cloud-based contact center solution is no exception. While cloud-based services, including the well-known SaaS and IaaS, can save time, money, and effort, you probably want some guarantees. You, after all, need a platform that enhances productivity, increases efficiency, and cuts down on operational expenses. To make the matter more succinct, you want a call center solution with demonstrated return on investment (ROI).

A clear ROI is an understandable and common concern. Few executives and business owners invest in a cloud-based call center solution on a whim. Rather, they choose that offers the means to an end: lessened expenses, improved customer satisfaction, and boosted profit margins.

To ensure they purchase a cloud-based, VoIP call center solution in keeping with their goals, executives develop a list of must-have qualities, many of which come from our “Top 10 List When Considering a Cloud-Based Contact Center Solution.” They not only help you evaluate potential vendors but also safeguard your ROI. We cover two important features to keep in mind here. To read about the other eight, download the white paper.


Compatibility usually refers to how well different systems play together, i.e., the integration challenge. When looking at a cloud-based call center solution, you should definitely ask about this key trait. It allows the platform to integrate and communicate with other business systems, such as a Customer Management System (CMS) or marketing automation software.

To determine if the solution has integration capability, probe into how easily it imports and exports data. You should also find out about basic integration options and APIs. The latter often includes tools and algorithms that simplify data exchanges, which saves time and reduces the risk of human error.

Compatibility, though, can be addressed from another angle, namely, the human factor. You want a solution that integrates with existing workflows, not one that wreaks havoc on daily schedules and morale. Addressing this challenge can be difficult, but a good place to start is with an assessment about how your call center agents feel about change.

Multiple Outbound Dialing Applications

Obviously, a cloud-based call center solution differs from other SaaS offerings in that it incorporates some unique challenges. One such challenge arises with outbound calls and communications. You need a platform that allows for multiple types of outbound dialing applications coupled with a high penetration rate.

To assess this capability, you should ask about items like answering machine detection accuracy. We recommend considering only solutions with 97 percent accuracy or higher. The higher percentage offers two, primary benefits:

1. Customers receive the right information, at the right time.
2. You stay within federal mandates and guidelines.

You should also discover what types of outbound dialing applications the vendor provides. Some include predictive dialing, call recording, and cell phone scrubbing. You should look at the capabilities carefully because the more outbound options you have, the better your call center metrics — and compliance — will be.

If you’re thinking about buying a cloud-based contact center solution in 2017, get started with our list of considerations. They will help you winnow the competition and choose the best platform for your organization’s unique needs. To get started with the purchasing process, read the white paper today.

Explore all the features of TCN’s call center software